Standard Model I (229A)
Fall 1999
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Class ends on Dec 3 (Fri). Take-home final will be handed out on
Nov 24 (Wed), and will be due on Dec 10 (Fri).
Homeworks, Handouts
- HW 1, solutions
- HW 2, solutions
- Solutions to the Dirac equation
- HW 3, solutions
- HW 4, solutions
- HW 5, solutions
- Dyson's formula
- HW 6, LSZ formula, e+e- -> mu+mu-, solutions
- HW 7
- HW 8
- Feynman parameter integrals,
General Ideas on the Self-energy Diagrams, Explicit Calculation of the
One-loop Self-energy Diagram
- HW 9
- Explicit Calculation of the Vertex
- HW 10
- HW 11
- Final
- Final solutions
Useful links
- Review on g-2, "Anomalous g Values of the Electron and Muon." By
V.W. Hughes (Yale U., Math. Dept.), T. Kinoshita (Cornell U., LNS).
1999. Published in Rev. Mod.
Phys. 71, S133-S139 (1999) (requires or domain)
- A review talk on Brookhaven muon g-2 experiment, PDF
file. You can even watch the talk with RealPlayer. Look for "New Results on
g-2" by Lee Roberts (Boston University) here.
Discussion section We are reading the following book
- "Lie Algebras in Particle Physics. From Isospin to Unified
Theories." H. Georgi, 2nd Edition, 1999. Perseus Books, Reading, USA
(Frontiers In Physics, 54).
For fun
CP LEAR experiment which reported an evidence for time reversal
- KTeV
experiment which reported an evidence for time reversal
experiment which produced and detected anti-hydrogen. I couldn't find
information on the trapped anti-hydrogen and its spectrum, however.
Maybe it was my misrecollection.
Topics covered in the course
This course introduces quantum field theory with a special emphasis
on quantum electrodynamics (QED). QED is probably the most precisely tested
physical theory verified down to the 12th digit of electron magnetic moment,
and is relevant to broad areas of physics such as atmoic, nuclear, particle
physics and astrophysics.
Mon Fri 12:30-2:00 (430 Birge)
- Discussion section: Fri 3:00-4:00 (7 Evans)
weekly, due Fridays' class
Hitoshi Murayama
2-1019, 486-5589 (LBNL)
447 Birge, 50-5056E (LBNL)
- Office
Fri, 2-3 in 447 Birge
221AB or equivalent and familiarity with special relativity. Concurrent
enrollment in 226 recommended.
Course Outline Why Quantum Field Theory?
Equivalence of quantized Schrödinger field and conventional
quantum mechanics
Brief review of special relativity
Canonical quantization of scalar fields
Dirac equation and its canonical quantization
Canonical quantization of the electromagnetic (Maxwell) field
Perturbation theory
Sample processes in quantum electrodynamics
Radiative corrections and renormalization
Renormalization group methods
Primary Textbook
- "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory," Michael E. Peskin and
Daniel V. Schroeder, Addison and Wesley (1985).