Quantum Mechanics I
Fall 2001

Good work with the final! All solutions available, and the distributions for the midterm and the final posted.

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Lectures: Mon Wed Fri 9:00-10:00 160 DWINELLE
Discussion section: Wed 4-5 3113 ETCHEVERR, F 2-3 9 LEWIS
Homeworks: weekly, due Mondays, 4pm
Exams: one Midterm, one Final
Instructor: Hitoshi Murayama
E-mail: murayama@physics.berkeley.edu
Phone: 2-1019 (no voice machine), 486-5589 (LBNL, with voice machine)
Office: 447 Birge, 50A-5109 (LBNL)
Office Hours: Fri 11-1
TA: Matthijs Randsdorp
E-mail: matthijs@socrates.berkeley.edu
Phone: 2-5647
Office: 277 LeConte
Office Hours: TBA
TA: Jarah Evslin
E-mail: jarah@uclink4.berkeley.edu
Office: 475 Birge
Office Hours: TBA

137AB or equivalent

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