Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2002

Good work with the final! Solutions posted. Thanks, Roni!

Lecture notes on Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking posted.

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This course is a continuation of 221A in Fall 2001 Semester. It introduces more advanced aspects of Quantum Mechanics.
Lectures: Mon Wed Fri 9:00-10:00, 308 LeConte
Discussion section: Tu 11-12 (395 LeConte), Wed 5-6 (9 Lewis)
Homeworks: weekly, due Fridays, 5pm
Exams: one Midterm, one Final
Instructor: Hitoshi Murayama
E-mail: murayama@physics.berkeley.edu
Phone: 2-1019 (no voice machine), 486-5589 (LBNL, with voice machine)
Office: 447 Birge, 50A-5109 (LBNL)
Office Hours: Fri 10-12
TA: Roni Harnik
E-mail: roni@socrates.berkeley.edu
Phone: 642-5647
Office: 281 LeConte
Office Hours: Fri 2-4


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