Quantum Mechanics II
Spring 2001
Good work. Have a good summer!
Final solutions expanded with data on 2s to 1s transitions
and exact solutions to the Dirac equation in the Coulomb potential.
Moclear and Nuclear physics lecture notes now complete. Point out
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Homeworks, Handouts
Lecture Notes
Useful books
This course is a continuation of 221A
taught by Prof. Dung-Hai Lee in Fall 2000 Semester. It introduces
more advanced aspects of Quantum Mechanics.
Mon Wed Fri 9:00-10:00 (3107 Etcheverry)
- Discussion section: Wed 5-6 (9 Lewis).
Tue 11-12 (3 Evans) section is canceled
weekly, due Fridays, 4pm
Exams: one Midterm, one Final
Hitoshi Murayama
2-1019 (no voice machine), 486-5589 (LBNL, with voice machine)
447 Birge, 50A-5109 (LBNL)
- Office Hours: Fri 11-1
TA: Ed Boyda
Phone: 3-2623
405 LeConte
- Office Hours: Weds after section, Friday 1-2
- 221A
Course Outline
- Scattering Theory
- Many-Body Problems
- Quantization of Radiation Field
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Useful books
- "Modern Quantum Mechanics," J. J. Sakurai,
Addison and Wesley (1985).
- "Quantum mechanics," by Albert Messiah, Amsterdam,
North-Holland Pub. Co. (1961).
- "Quantum mechanics : non-relativistic theory," by
L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, 3rd ed., rev. and enl.,
Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press (1977).
- "Subatomic Physics," Hans Frauenfelder and Ernest M. Henley,
Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1974).
- On atomic and molecular physics, classic books are
"Introduction to Quantum Mechanics," by Linus Pauling and
E. Bright Wilson, McGraw-Hill (1935); "Quantum Theory of Matter,"
by John C. Slater, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
- "Theoretical nuclear physics," by Amos deShalit and Herman
Feshbach, New York, Wiley, 1974.
- "Many-Particle Physics," Gerald D. Mahan, Plenum Press, 2000.
- "Statistical Mechanics", R.K. Pathria, Butterworth Heinemann,
- "Relativistic Quantum Mechanics," by J.D. Bjorken and
S.D. Drell, McGraw-Hill, 1964.