Standard Model III (229C)
Fall 1998
Neutrino Physics and Cosmology

Make up classes on Dec 7 (Mon), 8 (Tue) and 10 (Thu), 12:30 - 2:00 as usual. Final due Dec 15 (Tue), 5 pm, to the evenlope in front of 425 Birge.

Homeworks, handouts (PDF format, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 or later)
Relevant Papers (Cosmology)
Useful Books, Articles (Cosmology)
Relevant Papers (Neutrino)
Useful Books, Articles (Neutrino)
Useful Links

Topics covered in the course
Neutrino physics has become one of the most exciting areas in particle physics and related fields, especially after the SuperKamiokande evidence for neutrino oscillation the last June. If this is true, the Standard Model is clearly incomplete. The basics in neutrinos physics and the current status in neutrino oscillation are reviewed in the first half. Cosmology has also entered a new era with quantitative observations. Despite its importance, it has not been taught in physics or astronomy department for many years. The lectures introduce cosmology without assuming prior knowledge on general relativity in the second half.
Time: Tu Th 12:30-2:00
Location: 385 LeConte
Instructor: Hitoshi Murayama
Phone: 2-1019, 486-5589 (LBNL)
Office: 425 Birge, 50-5056E (LBNL)
Office Hour: Wed, 10-11 in 425 Birge
Physics 229C usually assumes the knowledge in quantum field theory and standard model (taught in 229AB). But the topics this semester can be studied and understood without 229AB. Even if you have not taken 229AB, you are welcome to take the course. Absolute prerequisites are basic graduate-level quantum mechanics.
Physics 229C can be taken multiple times. For those of you who prefer lighter workload (just an essay at the end of the course) are requested to enroll in Physics 295.

Course Outline
Neutrino physics
History of neutrinos
Brief summary of the Standard Model
Weyl, Dirac, Majorana neutrinos
Seesaw model
Neutrinos in grand unified theories
Neutrino oscillation
Neutrinos from reactors
Atmospheric neutrinos
Neutrinos from accelerators
Solar neutrinos
Neutrinos from radioactive sources
Supernova neutrinos
Other astrophysical neutrinos
Cosmic neutrinos
Einstein equation
Friedmann Universe
Expansion, age of the Universe, cosmological constant
Cosmic microwave background (I)
Big-bang nucleosynthesis
Structure formation
Dark Matter
Cosmic microwave background (II)